About us

The Institute for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (INSE) is located in Bonn, Germany, and is a renowned Consulting and Management Training company with focus on trade and distribution businesses. SME-networks such as wholesale-, retail-, artisan- and agribusiness-cooperatives and voluntary chains in other legal forms are among its customers.

Improving Networks, Cooperation and Buying/Marketing Groups

INSE has special expertise in providing change support and management qualification with an emphasis on operational and strategic buying and purchasing, integrated procurement management, supply chain management, marketing / sales in b2b-networks including membership- and stakeholder-management, train-the-trainer-programs and consulting on strategic issues like organizational development, cooperation management, change management and reorganization processes as part of the development and implementation of  new business models for (SME-) netwoks.

Your Excellence is our business

What makes our consulting unique is the particular approach of combining strategic planning, business management expertise, knowledge of the structure and requirements of SME-networks with a consistent focus on sustainability in corporate management. The principle of sustainability is a determining factor in the work of the Institute. In its consulting and training activities INSE consequently seeks to discover and implement the advantages of globalization, technological innovation and intelligent corporate management for its customers being the key success factors in the further development of sustainable SME-netwoks.

Sustainability 2.0: The „three-pillar model“ of sustainability

In the 1980s, the World Commission on Environment and Development of the United Nations for the first time spoke of a model that related the ecological, economic and social goals of a society. It was thus demonstrated that a society can only be future-oriented if it only uses resources to the extent they are able to regenerate themselves. That was the hour of birth of modern sustainability. Real Business Excellence includes implementation of sustainability on all levels of corporate activities.

Our concept of „sustainability“ adopted to the needs of SME

The idea of sustainability is not new. Already 200 years ago, it was a well known principle that you can not cut more trees than forest is able to replace by natural growth. Such a sense for careful handling of resources – in the ecological, economic and social dimension – is sustainability. We are addicted to efficiency and effectiveness. We measure all processes and structures in companies according to this principle of sustainability. In addition to the company’s internal focus on sustainability, the entire value added chain must also be optimized in terms of sustainability.

The fit between business success and envireonmental needs

We focus our efforts on combining economic and environmental sustainability and make companies more efficient by striving for the best possible use of material and human resources.

Only those companies which are economically successful can, as entrepreneurs, also make a positive contribution to the protection of health and environmental heritage. We optimize your business, from purchasing through sales to the use of the opportunities of the digital transformation.

We are happy to help you with our expertise. Contact us!

Creating Business Excellence